Artificial intelligence types and overview of AI narrow

Artificial Intelligence is the branch of computer science that endeavors for replicating and simulating human intelligence in the machine. So, machines are performing the tasks which typically require human intelligence. There are some programmable functions of AI systems which is including learning, planning, reasoning, decision making, and problem-solving.

Artificial Intelligence is powered by algorithms that are making use of technologies like deep learning, machine learning, and rules. Machine learning algorithms are feeding data to the AI systems by making use of the statistical techniques for enabling the AI systems to learn. With Machine learning, Clinc AI systems keep on progressing better at the tasks without having to be programmed specifically for doing so.

When you are new in the field of AI then you have to be familiar with the science fiction which is portraying AI. The robots will work like having human-like characteristics. While AI has not reached quite the level of humans, but there are a plethora of incredible things researchers, scientists, and technologists are doing with AI.

AI has encompassed the Google search algorithms to autonomous weapons. AI has transformed the capabilities of business doing globally, enable humans to automate time-consuming tasks, and also, they can gain untapped insights from their data by rapid pattern recognition.

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3 Types of AI

AI technologies are categorized by their capacity for mimicking human characteristics. The technology, real-world application, and the theory of mind need to be discussed in more depth.

Using these characteristics, all artificial intelligence systems are hypothetical and real will fall into below three types:

    • Artificial Narrow Intelligence
    • Artificial general intelligence
    • Artificial superintelligence

Artificial narrow intelligence is referred to as the weak AI or narrow AI which is the type of AI that has been successfully realized to date. Narrow AI is designed for performing singular tasks like speech recognition, facial recognition, searching on the internet, or driving a car. These machines are operating under a narrow set of limitations and constraints because of this it is referred to as weak AI.

You can consider the speech recognition of Siri on iPhone, vision recognition for self-driving cars, and recommendation engines which are suggesting the products which are based on purchase history. These systems will only be taught,or lean-to completes specific tasks.

Numerous breakthroughs in the last decade are powered by the achievements in deep learning and machine learning. Clinc AI systems are also used today for diagnosing cancer and various other diseases.

Posted on 1:16 pm